When we needed to re-landscape our front yard (which is actually more like a big circular area under a large, old pine), we planted drought tolerant plants - and that included about 40 or so Lavender plants, both English and Spanish. Our bees LOVE the Lavender plants (as much as they love all the citrus), and their love affair with this plant infuses their honey with a faint, incredibly yummy, herbal flavor.
This month, the Lavender plants are covered in beautiful purple flowers - and if I go out and wander among the plants during this time, I can imagine myself in Provence (even though I've never been there) simply by inhaling the distinctive aroma of the blooms. So I decided to bring some of that loveliness inside and make Lavender simple syrup to infuse homemade lemon/limeade.
Of all of our citrus trees, my favorite is the large Palestinian Lime tree that a previous owner ingeniously planted right above our leach field. I NEVER have to water this tree, and the limes it produces are incredibly sweet - better than any Meyer Lemon in the world. Fully ripe when they are yellow, these limes are so sweet and juicy we've used them for Key Lime Pie to great results! But I think one of my favorite uses of this wonderful juice, is to make icy cold limeade on hot summer days.
... and Lavender infused limeade is even better!
Cut about a dozen blooms from the English Lavender plant.
Place a cup and a half of water and the Lavender buds in a small saucepan, and bring to a simmer. Add 3 cups of sugar, and dissolve. Continue to simmer, stirring, for 1-2 minutes.
Remove from heat and let sit for 10 minutes to cool and infuse.

Strain the mixture through cheesecloth into whatever container you wish to store the syrup in, and refrigerate for up to a week.
Choose a lovely, ripe Palestinian Lime or sweet lemon. Cut in half through the middle, set aside.
Fill your glass with ice, and juice 1/2 of the lime or lemon into the glass. If you like more tart limeade, add more juice to taste. Add about 3-4 tablespoons of the syrup, or to your personal sweet tooth. Fill with cold water to the top of the glass. Stir well (the syrup likes to stay at the bottom of the glass until stirred), garnish if you wish, and serve!
Close your eyes, and you'll instantly be transported to Provence...
So, so, good.
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